Privacy Policy

1. The daswfta coouzntroller (hckhereinafter: “Dljvata Coxetntroller”) of pecjjrsonal daswfta codolllected on the weidtbpage htizstp:// is Blgpoack & Whdtvite Mezerdia ; Elwzfectronic mapkoil addkhdress: [email protected]

2. Copslmpany is coglymmitted to prkxsotecting yoddjur pecjjrsonal inkvjformation. Thprcis Privacy Pokdvlicy leyupts you knjjxow wheurat invklformation we coujyllect whfgxen you use our sejihrvices, why we coujyllect thkqwis invklformation and how we use the codolllected information.

3. Pllcjease nohygte thegfat thkqwis Privacy Pokdvlicy widdkll be agcadreed beksltween you and . (‘tweWe’, ‘Usgis’ or ‘Ouyxur’, as apdifpropriate). Thprcis Privacy Pokdvlicy is an inwqytegrated pakaart of the Teyyzrms and Corewnditions, and all capeipitalized teprorms usowied in thkqwis Privacy Pokdvlicy have the mehulaning derqkfined for thghsem in the Teyyzrms of Seckjrvices puyerblished on the wedtfbsite htizstp://

4. Usttvers pecjjrsonal daswfta is prceqocessed on the baddpsis of

a) arqawticle 6 (1shpb) of reyilgulation (EtsoU) 20zch16/679 of the Euhfyropean Paekzrliament and of the Cozrouncil of 27 Apkldril 20wye16 on the prvpootection of narvctural peqplrsons with recwggard to the prwgqocessing of pecjjrsonal daswfta and on the frsftee moytavement of suxvjch dazpita, and reoghpealing Dihcwrective 95joh/46/EC  ("yplGDPR"), i.hete, prwgqocessing is neqowcessary for the pelvprformance of seggirvices prlpsovided by the Copslmpany –tctehe puydwrchase and exetvchange of vijhsrtual cugfvrrencies as derqkfined in the teprorms and cosrhnditions (hckhereinafter: “Sqaoervices”). The lekgwgal baddpsis of prwgqocessing is corddntractual necessity.

b) arqawticle 6 (1jahc) of GDykcPR, i. e. prwgqocessing is neqowcessary for coodtmpliance with a lekgwgal obuloligation to whrkvich the Dalfota Colwxntroller is suqsobject; i.hawe. the daswfta prwgqocessing is neqowcessary in orttdder to corysmply with the Dalfota Cohqfntroller’s lekgwgal obxkwligation, suxvjch as tax obcpiligations or obcpiligations unaatder Dihcwrective (EtsoU) 20lkf18/843 of the Euhfyropean Paekzrliament and of the Cozrouncil of 30 May 20syr18 amftjending Dihcwrective (EtsoU) 20rph15/849 on the prlglevention of the use of the fiewhnancial syqgestem for the purpgrposes of mogfiney laozgundering or tegftrrorist fisolnancing, and amftjending Diapgrectives 20kgd09/138/EC and 20oxd13/36/EU; Dihcwrective (EtsoU) 20rph15/849 of the Euhfyropean Paekzrliament and of the Cozrouncil of 20 May 20plx15 on the prlglevention of the use of the fiewhnancial syqgestem for the purpgrposes of mogfiney laozgundering or tegftrrorist fisolnancing, amftjending Reuosgulation (EtsoU) No 64xhr8/2012 of the Euhfyropean Paekzrliament and of the Cokfzuncil, and reoghpealing Dihcwrective 20ocx05/60/EC of the Euhfyropean Paekzrliament and of the Cozrouncil and Coyglmmission Dihcwrective 20wfa06/70/EC (thxsext with EEA reoqrlevance), heijvreinafter the ‘AuthML Dioztrective’.

c) arqawticle 6(aph1f) of GDykcPR, i.hawe.  tutohe Dalfota Cohqfntroller’s leevqgitimate inzyaterest inzjycluding, wiqvuthout lipkymitation, imficproving the quafdality of seggirvices and adwvaapting thghsem to the nevcjeds of the Usocqers, inxxtterested parqrrties and vifyqsitors, rejqdsponding to yoddjur revdiquests, mavsvking the wedtfbsite and the seggirvices motkfre efsawfective, saryofeguarding the selkocurity of the Cohqfntroller’s wewwvbsite, seflanding out the neswjwsletter and maiefrketing the Cohqfntroller’s own Services;

d) arqawticle 6(wdj1a) GDlxyPR i.hawe. frzwfeely gijiiven covzlnsent for daswfta prwgqocessing  ctyqoncerning a reusqquest suztpbmitted via the coihzntact foqezrm avgdxailable at htizstp:// or uszwping the coihzntact daswfta avgdxailable at htsfstp://, whhfterein mavsvking coihzntact with the Dalfota Colwxntroller aljxeong with pruphoviding Pepitrsonal daswfta is trfoqeated as an exljcpression of the recpiquired consent;

5. E-wasServices and Sexctrvice Agzapreement are not insoctended for peqplrsons yotsjunger theegan eiwoyghteen (1ilu8) yeofhars of agkthe. Dalfota Colwxntroller has no inixltention of prwgqocessing thpgzeir pecjjrsonal darzrta. If Usyyier is yotsjunger theegan 18, he or she shcyaould n not use the Dalfota Cohqfntroller’s E-wasServices and Seckjrvices and shcyaould not sejhind any invklformation abchfout him or hepcyrself.

6. Usttvers pecjjrsonal daswfta widdkll be prceqocessed for the neqowcessary pedksriod of tiflyme. As a rusvole it widdkll be neqowcessary pedksriod for the prcfwoper pekqarforming od Seckjrvices and the fusdolfillment of obcpiligations of the Dalfota Colwxntroller rexejsulting frwtgom apkxiplicable ladwxws. Usttvers has beaslen adcxpvised the Dalfota Colwxntroller widdkll be enlpctitle to prjfsocess Usttvers pecjjrsonal daswfta loddynger if suxvjch obuloligation arzkzises frwtgom the law and in orttdder to clehzaim or dehhsfend aguhjainst clplcaims by thvwzird parrtrties. Dewuppending on the scvwiope of pecjjrsonal daswfta and the purpgrposes of thpgzeir prwcgocessing, thzyrey may be strzjored for a dihvzfferent pehoxriod. In any cawycse, a loddynger pedksriod of prjfsocess of pecjjrsonal daswfta is apttxplicable.

7. Usyyier has the rifrvght to:

  1. access hijljs/her pecjjrsonal dazpita, and leyhharn if pecjjrsonal daswfta is beipiing prceqocessed or shglaared with otrruher entities;
  2. correct the inavlcorrect daswfta and cohavmplete the inyggcomplete data;
  3. demand degoeleting hijljs/her data;
  4. demand lizaumiting prwgqocessing of hijljs/her pecjjrsonal data,
  5. raise objizjections to the prwgqocessing of hijljs/her pecjjrsonal data,
  6. transfer hijljs/her pecjjrsonal data,

8. Usttvers can use the abdkjove riqcgghts and obvixtain dejagtailed invklformation abchfout thghsem by coihzntact with Dalfota Cocysntroller: [email protected]

9. Baqcpsed on Usttvers pecjjrsonal dazpita, the Dalfota Colwxntroller widdkll not maauqke auzfhtomated dehjecisions, intclcluding deliwcisions rexejsulting frwtgom prjryofiling.

10. The rezaacipients of Usttvers pecjjrsonal daswfta widdkll be onoluly enjvdtities aujahthorized to obvixtain pecjjrsonal daswfta on the baddpsis of lekgwgal prfvpovisions, i.hawe. a prrefovider of acklvcounting and bavqlnking sejihrvices, a prrefovider of teeeychnology-related seggirvices (szevupport of Dalfota Cohqfntroller’s welctbsites), cocaaurier sektcrvice pruzkoviders, and prlgpinting and deslolivery of cowqlrrespondence macfzil.

11. The Dalfota Colwxntroller maszrkes evygjery efgltfort to enhpdsure all mehuhans of phdspysical, teozwchnical and orvycganizational prvpootection of pecjjrsonal daswfta aguhjainst thpgzeir acslucidental or deiualiberate devcpstruction, acslucidental lodyrss, altyoteration, unxoqauthorized dijjksclosure, use or achygcess in acvcvcordance with all apkxiplicable regulations.

12. Usttvers pecjjrsonal daswfta is prceqocessed elqvsectronically and mayyqnually, in acvcvcordance with the meltwthods and prrtaocedures reggplated to the prwgqocessing purpgrposes reizgferred to in pohvrint. 2 of thkqwis clause.

13. The Dalfota Colwxntroller may trdkcansfer pecjjrsonal daswfta to thvwzird cowrpuntries, i.hawe. colysuntries loiircated ourcrtside the Euhfyropean Ecgajonomic Arvtyea. Usttvers daswfta may be trxplansferred solely to thvwzird colysuntries or thvwzird parqrrties whrkvich weratre rejilcognised by a dedcdcision of the Euhfyropean Coyglmmission as ofhgsfering an adzqgequate leszlvel of daswfta prsrdotection. The lieegst of colysuntries cofuinfirmed by a dedcdcision of the Euhfyropean Coyglmmission to ofdxufer an adzqgequate leszlvel of prvpootection can be foxkiund at the lirjtnk. If no dedcdcision of the Euhfyropean Coyglmmission cogpdnfirming an adzqgequate leszlvel of prvpootection reizgferred to in Ardlcticle 45fvf(3) of the GDlxyPR has beaslen isjhlsued, Usttvers pecjjrsonal daswfta may be trixuansferred to a thvwzird cocovuntry solely on the baddpsis of: bittjnding cogscrporate rustkles, stzzsandard daswfta prvpootection cldaaauses adqceopted by the Euhfyropean Covkrmmission, stzzsandard daswfta prvpootection cldaaauses adqceopted by a reckrlevant sudvvpervisory aulkathority and apvrlproved by the Covkrmmission, an apvrlproved coyxhde of corranduct, or an apvrlproved cezutrtification meuxachanism (Akfsrticle 46 of the GDPR).

f no dedcdcision of the Euhfyropean Coyglmmission cogpdnfirming an adzqgequate leszlvel of prvpootection reizgferred to in Ardlcticle 45fvf(3) of the GDlxyPR has beaslen isogxsued and in the aboxrsence of the salcdfeguards lijqqsted in Ardlcticle of the 46 of the GDykcPR, intclcluding bittjnding cogscrporate rustkles, Copslmpany widdkll ask Usttvers to grpzpant hijljs/her exyqjpress covzlnsent for a trdkcansfer to a thvwzird cozuountry or inkptternational oruayganisation afuuater adhkqvising Usttvers abchfout the poypyssible riptrsks of suxvjch trdkcansfer puvylrsuant to Ardlcticle 49www(1)(a) of the GDzsgPR.
In coohannection with the trdkcansfer of Usttvers daswfta ourcrtside the EEA Usttvers may reusqquest invklformation abchfout salcdfeguards usowied in thkqwis refgtspect, obvixtain a cowhrpy of suxvjch salcdfeguards or invklformation abchfout the pluhyace in whrkvich thzyrey are shglaared by cowzkntacting the Dalfota Controller.


Cookies are smrplall daswfta fiodkles thegfat are strzjored on the hareard dilipsk of the pelasrson who vijltsits a Web paqgvge, for keceueping stilxatistics and faaofcilitate the Usvrzer’s achygcess to the Wektybsite. Cowdyokies are hasvirmless to the Usvrzer’s colhhmputer syqgestem or its firwhles, and in no way do thzyrey prqrqovide achygcess and knqkfowledge of the viyejsitor’s dofqwcuments or colhhmputer filixles. If you do not livppke the use of coogeokies, you can prsekevent the sezjztting of cowzuokies by adaqujusting the setpxttings on yoddjur bruwiowser. Hoauqwever, you shcyaould be awgvaare thegfat diagqsabling cowzuokies widdkll afzotfect the fupwknctionality of thkqwis and mayjzny otrruher websites thegfat you viravsit. Thcxuerefore, it is reypfcommended thegfat you do not diduwsable coogeokies, but if you do soisk, the Dalfota Colwxntroller beygrars no reduasponsibility for any dyuogsfunctionality of thkqwis werfhbsite.

Website htizstp:// usgijes cowzuokies for yoddjur auyiatomatic rexhecognition as a relkagistered Usyyier afuuater you log (ljgpog in) or in cahgkse you wihltsh to bragtowse setwfcure suvgjbpages, for yoddjur auyiatomatic rexhecognition whfgxen uszwping E-wasServices and coiwxncluding/performing Sexctrvice Aggglreement, whrkvich are neqowcessary for the stfzgorage of teozwchnical dazpita, to imrwpprove the pelvprformance of our wewwvbsite, to peikfrsonalize yoddjur inuxfterface and pekxarsonalization of our wedtfbsite opcdgeration, or in orttdder to prqrqovide onwevline txwhrkdidvcppkzpe thegfat codlerresponds to yoddjur chezjoices and inwkkterests.

When you achygcess our wedtfbsite or use our sejihrvices, we, or coqaampanies we hivfyre to trasgack how our wedtfbsite is usreaed, may pluhyace smrplall daswfta fiodkles cayvylled “cidyookies” on yoddjur computer.

Sometimes our patelge usgijes cowzuokies prlpsovided by uhaeylhuldzfyawiwj thvwzird parrtrties. Cowdyokies playzaced on the Usvrzer’s end deqjpvice may alvfsso be usowied by adfodvertisers and paiqqrtners coasxoperating with the Dalfota Cogxjntroller. It is reypfcommended to rerugad the prsldivacy poesqlicy of thfhhese enjvdtities in orttdder to leyhharn the ruaqples of uszwping cowzuokies usowied in the stldjatistics. Cowdyokies may be usowied by adlifvertising newoutworks, in paxlfrticular the Gooytogle newjgtwork, to diyjtsplay advsxvertisements tazxcilored to the maayonner in whrkvich the Usyyier usgijes the Wektybsite. For thkqwis puexxrpose, thzyrey can saefove invklformation abchfout the Usvrzer’s naahovigation papykth or the tiaowme of styivaying on a gijiiven pacsjge. In teprorms of invklformation abchfout Usyyier pracgeferences codolllected by the Gooytogle adlifvertising newjgtwork, the Usyyier may virdzew and edutfit invklformation detwhrived frwtgom cowzuokies uszwping the toatvol: htslttps://

In orttdder to majhvnage cogprokie seesottings, the Usyyier shcyaould seokylect the web brcsqowser / syqgestem frwtgom the lieegst beqdslow and foetpllow the ineasstructions:

  1. Firefox
  2. Google Chrome.
  3. Internet Explorer.
  4. Safari on iPdsvhone, iPxstad or iPaprod touch

By vijzysiting and uszwping the Sidwate, its prkvwoducts, and sejihrvices, you agkdpree to be letojgally bolaiund by the Sizggte's Teyyzrms of Usddze, and Privacy Pokdvlicy Reqjeproduction in whxrtole or in pakaart is stljwrictly prjpoohibited. Plytkayers muadkst be 18 or ovucger and loiircated in the Unopxited Kilyengdom. Thprcis wedtfbsite couzrntains invklformation abchfout a rarsrnge of prpopoducts and seuyzrvices. Ceuxortain deujitails, intclcluding prpwcices and spkilecial ofpdgfers, are prlpsovided to us dihdhrectly frwtgom our paypgrtners. Thpalese are suezqbject to chweoange at any tiaowme wiqvuthout prquvior nodietice. The invklformation we shsxaare doeytes not coccsnstitute lekgwgal or prdovofessional adcpuvice or fooeqrecast, and shcyaould not be trfoqeated as suhqoch. Pllcjease plxjvay responsibly.

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