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In or der to un derstand yo ur use of our we bsite, pv apqikusj ap plications and se rvices, and in or der to en hance and ad just th eir pe rformance, we may use fi rst pa rty and th ird-party co okies, web be acons, ad ta gs, de vice id entifiers and ot her si milar technologies
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Most web br owsers pr ovide ge neral in formation ab out co okies, en able you to see wh at co okies are st ored on yo ur de vice, al low you to de lete, bl ock, or al low co okies for sp ecific websites or for all we bsites. No te th at yo ur se ttings ap ply to the sp ecific br owser or de vice th at you are us ing. You can co ntrol co okies fr om yo ur br owser, in formation is us ually fo und un der the “H elp” se ction of the browser.
In or der to en joy all the fe atures on our we bsite, we re commend our us ers to al low cookies.
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